Why crazy people become successful in life?
‘Today they call you crazy. One day, they’ll call you sir’.
Crazy people succeed because they’re crazy enough to believe that the universe wants to help them. It’s true that the universe really does want to help, but if you don’t believe you’re worthy or what you desire is realistic, then it won’t happen. Crazy people don’t think rationally- they succeed by breaking down barriers and doing what others said couldn’t be done.
Many people don’t become successful in the life because they waste their time in many useless activities. They don’t understand the value of time. And they don’t have enough dare to break the rules like some crazy people do for their dreams. Here are some reasons that why crazy people become successful in life.
· They recognize other crazies
It does not matter what type of person you are, it is easy to recognize others of like mind. Crazies all over the world have begun a revolution to find other crazies. They almost seem to be drawn to inventions, ideas and other individuals born a little crazy. They see genius in what normal people have written off as abnormal and are often the early adopters of all the great new trends and technologies. The idea of being able to brainstorm with others who think as differently as you do gives you a greater chance of success. Crazy’s challenge one another’s beliefs.
· They are like a dog with a bone
Once crazies sink their teeth into something, they never let go. Crazy people become obsessed with certain problems and how to solve them. They become so engrossed that no matter how impossible a task supposedly is, they will always find a way. This is the X factor that will drive a crazy person to succeed at a task that a normal person would have long ago given up in frustration.
· They dare to break the rules
Deviating from the norm isn’t always easy, especially if you have spent your whole life following rules. However, crazies understand that while rules are important, they can be limiting. What rules in your industry do you accept as fact? Why do you follow them? If the answer is “that’s the way it has always been” then you are normal and probably will never succeed. It is this ability to question authority without disrespect that makes the crazies more likely to be successful.
· They’re full of energy
Normal people can’t wait to do nothing. They can’t wait to get off work, go home, sit in front of the TV and do nothing. They always complain about how much energy they don’t have and how much more time they wish they had. Crazies however have all the time, passion and energy in the world. They dedicate themselves to a craft and work tirelessly to develop their skills. This intent focus and energy definitely gives them an advantage for success.
· They are too foolish to be scared
When crazy people set goals for themselves, they aren’t concerned with the “what if” possibility of failure. For them, there is no plan “B” because plan “A” will absolutely work. While normal people are paralyzed by the fear of failure, the crazy ones saddle up and ride anyways. To them, failure is a word with no meaning. This ability to seemingly disregard the fear of failure is why the crazy ones are more likely to succeed.
· They think out of box
They are passionate enough about their goals that that don’t care about others’ words, and actions as well. They don’t care of others. They don’t think as others think. To achieve their goals, they are ready to sacrifice everything. They have no limitations in their mind that’s why it’s said about crazy persons that they think out of box.
· They keep their minds open to new ideas
Once they fail in something, they don’t enter in severe depression state. They try to do it again and again. And if they face continuous failure, they keep their mind open to new ideas. It is said about crazy and successful people, “They don’t stuck in anything, they always welcome to new ideas”. They’re stubborn about goals but flexible about methods and strategies. This behavior keeps them moving forward and enjoying a dream life. That’s why it is also said that successful people are crazy and have growth mindset.
· “No” is the most frequent word they use
The word “no” is a successful person’s and crazy one’s most used word. Being focused is high on their priorities and so anything that doesn’t align with their mission is ignored. They use the hell yes or hell no response in their head to quickly decide what to say yes to. If their instant reaction to an opportunity isn’t hell yes and they don’t feel inspired by the request, then they say “no.” To do anything else would be risky to their grand plan and potentially hijack what they have dedicated their life to. That’s not a sacrifice they are willing to make, so no becomes the default response.