SQA in Software Engineering
What is SQA? and why SQA?
Introduction :
SQA stands for ‘Software Quality Assurance’ which consists of processes and methods used to ensure quality software engineering. It is an ongoing process within SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) that routinely checks the development software to ensure it meets desired quality measures. It goes on parallel in whole SDLC :
Requirement gathering and analysis
· Designing
· Development
· Testing
· Maintenance
Evolution of SDLC :
The integration of agile methods to software development and change was needed to integrate quality assurance into loop. The integration of these methods increased productivity and decreased overall costs. It can be said that an extra layer was added to the end product, enhancing project on the go instead of waiting for them to finish.
Importance of SQA :
Its main goal is to provide a quality product to end users means without SQA, software world will be in chaos. It detects all errors, flaws and viruses. It ensures that a software product is meeting with end-user requirements and standards. So, a software product is not trust-worthy without SQA.
Components of SQA
There are six main classes of SQA components. These components combine into SQA systems. Let’s discuss in detail.
1) Components for Pre-Project :
These components refer to the definition of project commitments. It considers cost, time frame and resources needed. It also involves the development of plans.
2) Project Life Cycle Activities Assessment Components :
It has two phases of development which are development lifecycle stage and operation maintenance stage.
Development Life Cycle Stage :
At this stage, detection of design and programming errors occurs. It involves reviews, opinions from experts, and likewise software testing.
Operation Maintenance Stage :
This phase involves specialized maintenance components. Moreover, it also involves the development life cycle components. These components are primarily for functionality for improvements in maintenance tasks.
3) Components for Infrastructure Error Prevention and Improvements :
It aims to eliminate or reduce errors. Hence, using the organizations’ SQA experience as the basis, its goal is applicable throughout the whole organization.
4) Software Quality Management Components :
This component is involved with focusing on goals. For instance, early managerial support, development and maintenance, and schedule and budget failures. Hence, affecting the outcome of project.
5) Standardization, Certification, and SQA systems Assessment Components :
These components implement international, professional and managerial standards within organization. Hence, aiming for the use of global expert knowledge, improvement of coordination of the organizational quality systems with other organizations, and assessments of achievements of quality systems according to a common scale. The different standards may be classified into two main groups. These groups are quality management standards and project process standards.
6) Human Components :
These components include SQA team. This consist of software testing team, the managers, developers, committee and forum members, trustees and also other stakeholders. They aim to initiate and support the components of SQA and likewise identify issues in SQA processes and procedures. Therefore, finding ways to improve them.
So, readers this is an article on SQA in Software Engineering. If you like it, don’t forget to clap.
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